The SUA&F SD amphitheater drainage system reconstruction has been further enhanced by Silliman University through the addition of concrete footpaths in each row to avoid having to place your feet or walk on wet or muddy ground when you are at the amphitheater. This has encouraged it's use by students as a meeting place, a place for contemplation, study, rehearsals or relaxation.

These pictures certainly wax nostalgia for days gone by when we used to hang out there ourselves, participated in sunrise services or watched Shakespeare's plays acted out.

Twin Portals Building:
The Twin Portal West building has stores now being patronized by students and Dumaguete residents alike and is starting to earn some income for the University as it was intended to do. When one enters the main doors, one sees the Tree of Life on the south wall. The silver leaves show the names of donors and the blank dark green leaves show the need for more donors to complete both East and West buildings. We are urging alumni to donate money to help see this worthwhile project through. Pictures below show the tree and the leaf donated by the SUA&F SD alumni group to give you an idea on what you can expect your leaf to look like. An interactive video screen also gives the names of donors and a brief description of the leaf being accessed. Pictures of this project can be seen on the SUACONA website.

More things to come:
The new nursing complex mentioned to us at a dinner hosted by President Malayang on July 24, 2008 has been started. Details are offered at the SUACONA website.
The fence along the Silliman Hall building is being modified to accommodate solid concrete which will mimic the facade of Silliman Hall on the side facing the street but will be a flat surface on the inside with names of deceased faculty and staff who have served the University.
- There are plans to remove the wire and steel fence along Hibbard Avenue separating the two quadrangles and replace these with wide and low security barriers so that the view of the church will be unobstructed. The east side quadrangle has the cafeteria, Alumni Hall, Engineering complex, Guy Hall, Silliman Hall and the President?s home on its perimeter while the west side has the Twin Portals West building, Hibbard Hall, the Silliman University Church, Oriental Hall, the Science complex and the Business Administration buildings on its perimeter.