SU Alumni & Good Works

The normal instincts of people who experience the joy and satisfaction resulting from good work is to share the feelings with friends.

Thus Susan Monte de Ramos-Soldwisch, past president of SUAF@SD, shares the memories of Dinah Bibiaoco-Penaflorida, a staunch member of SUAF@SD, regarding the effort of Silliman Alumni in putting into practice the lessons of SERVICE learned while attending our Alma Mater. is pleased to participate in spreading the good tidings of Silliman Alumni as they “roam the world” sharing the Silliman Spirit.

From: dinah penaflorida []

Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 5:38 AM

Subject: Reminicing the PHS Medical Mission at Bo. Mantuyop - 2009

Sharing with you a community outreach at Siaton by alumni and resident members of PHS - this is a testament of the Silliman spirit! VIA,VERITAS,VITA.

This was a medical mission with medical-dental and health education component, in collaboration with the local Rural Health Clinic and the Barrio Kapitan and council. We had local PHS members namely, Dr. Manny Katada and Dr. Rolly Regalado as well as a sorority sis a doktora who travelled by foot-car-boat-bus from Basilan to Siaton! She crossed rivers, mountains and seas in her journey across military zones. Dr Glora Aranas-de Guzman did all the medical supplies coordination despite her busy schedule from her private practice and clinic in Manila.

Sue Monte de Ramos-Soldwich hosted the group at her beach-house and coordinated the efforts with the local leadership at Barrio Mantuyop. Silliman students and Silliman alumni worked as a team for one barrio - one person at a time......"still we work for dear old Silliman, Her honor bright to shield."

Photo credits goes to Brod Carlben of Dumaguete and the creative energy of Brod Biz Biznar from Seattle,WA complete with background music.

I hope by sharing this with you that it can be put to good use for other alumni to view and perhaps, it can be archived somewhere.

Memories are made of these.

Love guid - dynes

Dinah Bibaoco-Penaflorida

Maiden Batch '65

Gamma Sigma